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Team Photos & Videos

April 2015 Team

Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames Crusade Started

So great to have a Church from Chickasha Oklahoma with Pastor Knight as well as Don & Debbie White helping us kick off our citywide crusade! Also part of this high caliber team first time MAPS worker Chris Walsh. Thanks so much for investing your Time, your Talent & your Treasure.

March 2015 Trinity Team

Bilingual Church Built & Dedicated

So great to have Trinity Church from Cedar Hill donate their time, their talent and their resources to establish a bilingual church at a campaign site that was donated for the next 2 years.

Thanks to all those who came along side and helped us uplift the dreams and passions of pastors, community and Christ!

1058 Christmas bags given to the needy families in Matamoros!!

What a joy to partner with DIF & Thank YOU!!! so much for partnering with Legacy Missions to make a difference in so many peoples lives this Christmas!!

- Missionary Mike -

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July 2014

Ozark Team Ministry Photos Video!


This great team from Ozark Alabama helped with construction, painting, library organization, cutting hair, & had an awesome kids crusades. Such a great team that came down to share God's Love.

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March 2014 Chickasha Team Ministry Photos!

This great team from Chickasha Oklahoma helped put a new roof on, cut hair, painted church benches & had awesome kids events. Such a great team that came down to help.

Send us your photos


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We can't wait to see the pictures that you share with us!!!

- Missionary Mike -

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Techo El Mesias Video

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New Roof on Templo Christiano El Mesias Church